
Ribbon cartridge installation

1. First printer is turned off, the front of the printer to open the transparent cover
How to install printer ribbons
2. The platen lever Gently pull
How to install printer ribbons
3. Then move the platen lever up standing
How to install printer ribbons
4. Place the print head moves to the middle to allow disassembly and installation in the ribbon cassette
How to install printer ribbons
5. The print head with one hand and hold the lower part of both ends, gently pull out
6. After removing the ribbon profile piece, hand raised portion pinch outward pull on the ribbon cartridge
How to install printer ribbons
7. You can remove the ribbon cartridge
How to install printer ribbons
8. The ribbon cartridge is surrounded by Kazi
How to install printer ribbons
9. Gently push the clip to the outside, the ink ribbon cassette lid open
How to install printer ribbons
10. After the ribbon cartridge cover is open, remove the sheet metal profile
How to install printer ribbons
Were replaced after the ribbon 11. Remove the stop plate (if the purchase is genuine ribbon, the ribbon cassette stored in the form of ribbons and ribbon storage form consistently placed immediately) and then follow the above steps to re-install the ribbon cartridge
How to install printer ribbons
12. After the ribbon is installed, install the ribbon cartridge, the distal end of the ribbon stop plate slots in accordance with the print head left and right ends of the chute can be inserted.

